With a premium subscription to our PDF maker, edit all text and images directly in your PDF (mobile only).Your subscription will be activated across mobile and web platforms, so you can use Acrobat anywhere. Subscribe to access even more Adobe PDF power. Open your scans in Acrobat’s PDF Reader to fill, sign, comment & share.Access the scanned PDFs you’ve created using the free Adobe Scan PDF creator app.Create, edit, compress, and export Google Drive files with a subscription.View, share, and star Google Drive files.Connect your Google Drive account to easily access PDFs and other files.Star files to quickly open important documents.Link online storage accounts like Microsoft OneDrive, Dropbox, or Google Drive.Sign in to your free account to store and access files across devices.

Use the document signer to add your signature using your finger or a stylus.Easily fill out PDF forms with the form filler feature.Share files with others and collect all their comments in one place.Add personalised sticky notes, comments, and highlight text.Use tag to invite & add non-collaborators to the review.Receive activity notifications for shared files.Collect & respond to comments from multiple people in one file online.Use Search to instantly find text in your documents.Quickly navigate & adjust the font size or spacing.Get the best PDF reading experience with Liquid Mode.Choose Single Page or Continuous Scroll mode.Experience all the features of Acrobat Reader for yourself with a free 7-day trial. With a premium subscription, you can also edit text and images in scanned PDFs, use the PDF converter to combine, organise and convert to PDF & more. You can also view, share, annotate, sign documents, and add comments-all in one app without any ads. Store your files online and read documents anywhere. Do you often require a PDF reader, PDF editor, or PDF converter on the go? Get the Adobe Acrobat Reader mobile app, the world’s most trusted PDF reader and PDF editor with more than 635 million instals.